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Feast or Famine dice game by Cold Gumbo Games

Feast or Famine dice game by Cold Gumbo Games

Regular price $9.99 USD
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Feast or famine rules .

We here at Cold Gumbo games have taken a previously fun game and really upgraded it to the next level with multiple play styles.

 Play style Number 1 

Items needed: one pack of Dice (5) five markers. You can use scraps of paper or meeple anything you wish, but for your markers I will be using a "$" to denote in the rules.

 Everyone starts with 5 $. 1 $ for each dice. Each $ correlates to a dice

. On your first roll you're going to roll all five. If the die lands on "R" R pass a $ to the right , L to the left. C to the center , And if it lands on a big black dot You keep it. Going around the table in a circular motion, everyone takes a turn from this point on you only roll as many dice as you have $.

 So if you only have $ You only roll three dice. Eventually all $ will find its way to the center. 

Whomever is the last left with a $ gets everything out of the center. Just because you are out of $ Does not mean you're out of the game. Do not roll because you do not have a $ to correlate.

 But you never know when someone to your left or right is going to have to pass a $ to you. Everyone is in till the end. And you either get it all or you get nothing.

 Feast or Famine

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